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Author: Hydro Tek

The Basics of Hog Farm Cleaning with Pressure Washing Equipment

The Basics of Hog Farm Cleaning with Pressure Washing Equipment

Any hog farm biosecurity plan begins and ends with cleaning and disinfecting. The idea here is not to entirely sterilize the environment, but just to lower the pathogen load to a point in which disease is not transmitted. There are many steps involved in this, all of which can be streamlined with the help of the right pressure washing equipment.

Cleaning is the First Step

First and foremost, clean up the area by removing all organic material. You can do this with a broom, shovel, and / or scraper. Get as much solids removed as possible. If you have a farrowing house, this should be an easy step except for the point at which you must empty the sow feeders. However, if you are cleaning a semi-trailer, you will need to remove wood chips and other bedding, which can take time. Taking time to do this properly will significantly improve your results so be sure you are doing so.

Follow Cleaning by Washing

During the cleaning stage, you have picked up all materials so that you have a blank surface to wash. This is going to be the most time consuming of all the steps in the process, but it is the most important. Doing it correctly, with the right pressure washing equipment, can get rid of 99.99% of microorganisms. The purpose of this step is to get rid of all remaining organic matter, which includes feed, manure, urine, etc.

The best way to do this is via high pressure. You will need to look at your PSI (pounds per square inch of pressure) and the amount of water that you are moving, known as GPM. When you multiply the PSI with the GPM, you will get the effective cleaning units, otherwise known as ECU. If you have pressure that is too high, it can damage surfaces. For example, if you want to strip paint off a wall, 9,000 ECU will do it.

Deciding on the right ECU will depend on a number of factors. Your account executive at Hydro Tek can help you determine what your needs are. Just call us at 800-274-9376 for assistance.

A Word About Soaking and Detergents

If you have time to soak a surface, you can significantly cut down on how much time is needed to clean it. You can soak a larger area by using a sprinkler system to keep the room wet. If you are soaking at trailer, you can wet the entire trailer with a moderate amount of water and start washing at one end while the rest soaks.

You can also use specialty detergents that are created specifically to break down manure and similar organic matter. Essentially, this is likely using soap to clean your hands. Yes, you can wash your hands with just water but soap can help the process go much faster.

Essential Questions to Ask as You Create a Plan for Poultry Farm Biosecurity

Essential Questions to Ask as You Create a Plan for Poultry Farm Biosecurity

A biosecurity plan is an essential for any poultry farm but just having a plan is not enough – it should be personalized for your unique operation. As you consider ways in which to create it, make sure that you have the right equipment to get the job done. Also be sure you are asking and answering the right questions. Below you will find some questions you may want to consider.

Where Are Your Lines of Separation?

Do you know where the areas of disinfection are going to occur? If you have more than one operation then you will need to pay special attention. For example, if you have livestock and crops on a single site, then your lines of separation will be even more important as you will want to make sure you are keeping both your poultry and your crops safe and secure.

Where Are Your Points of Entry and Exit?

Next, think about where people are getting off and on your farm. How can you control this area to ensure that it is a one-way tract? Successfully doing so helps to prevent newly cleaned equipment from coming into contact with equipment that has not yet been cleaned.

What Special Steps Are You Taking to Lower Risk?

There are a number of steps that can be taken to help reduce risk of contamination. Which particular steps your operation will need to take will vary based on a wide range of factors. For example, it is common for poultry farmers to have regular visitors including family members, business contacts, delivery drivers, etc., all of whom can potentially bring and spread disease.

For these farmers, steps can be taken to reduce the number of people on the farm. For example, they may hold business meetings off site. A drop box can be placed well outside the farm for package delivery. Again, the specific steps each farmer will need to take will vary based on the specific farm.

Where Are Your Buffer Zones and Are They Sufficient?

Consider the distance between your hot and cold zones. This should also involve the plume trail from the house. Make sure that your zones are sufficient based on the specifics of your setup. There is no single distance that works for all – you must consider your own setup.

Do You Have the Right Pressure Washing Equipment?

Keeping your poultry farm as clean as possible requires the right hot water pressure washing equipment. If you are in need of finding the right equipment, adding accessories, or discovering what your options are, then we urge you to contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 now.

Invest in a Portable Water Recycle System that Can Be Mounted to Your Truck or Trailer

Invest in a Portable Water Recycle System that Can Be Mounted to Your Truck or Trailer

There are many reasons that many companies choose to invest in water recycle systems for their pressure washer equipment. At Hydro Tek we work tirelessly to ensure that every client has access to exactly the equipment they need. The right type of water recycle system will depend on a client’s individual needs but a portable water recycle system that can be mounted right to your truck or trailer may be the right choice for you.

Keep reading to learn more about this option and its advantages. If you have questions, or are ready to invest in a water recycle system, contact us at 800-274-9376 for additional help.

It is Easy to Protect the Environment and Comply with Government Storm Drain Regulations

The good news is that by using a quality water recycle systems you can achieve two important goals. First, you can protect the environment from chemicals and other debris in water. Second, you can ensure that you are complying with all state and federal governmental storm drain regulations. Using a water recycle system makes this both simple and economical – especially when you choose our AZV series.

You Get 6 Stages of Filtration with the AZV Series

When you choose the AZV series, you get a full six states of filtration. This is as much as 8gpm continuous five micron processing of your wastewater if soaps and other chemicals are not used. The way it works is simple: Wastewater is recovered through a vacuum. It can handle up to 12gpm, which prevents run-off.

Once the water has been cleaned and recycled, it is pumped right back into your bulk water tank to be reused. It can be used on concrete and other flatwork. You could also divert your treated water for use in landscaping or through the sewer, depending on the local ordinances and what is permitted.

Any heavy solids collected during the recycling process can be removed quickly and easily through a quick purge dump valve.

Get a Fully Self-Contained Mobile Wash Unit

If you use a water recycle system in conjunction with any of your SC series washer and our ProTowWash trailers or tank skids, you can create your own self-contained unit for washing, recovering watering, and recycling that water. This is a great way to comply with all EPA storm drain requirements, save water, and help protect the environment.

At Hydro Tek we specialize in power washers and are standing by to provide the service you need. Whether you need to find the best price, you need advice on what unit to buy, or you are searching for accessories, we stand ready to help you.

The Most Important Principles of Poultry Farm Cleaning

The Most Important Principles of Poultry Farm Cleaning

As you care creating your poultry farm cleaning protocol, there are some principles to carefully consider. At Hydro Tek we offer all the power washing equipment you could ever need but there are other factors in play. Keep reading to learn more about them and then contact us at 800-274-9376 if you would like to get started finding the right equipment and protocol.

Having Enough Room for Your System to Work Effectively

First and foremost, you must assure that you have the room to utilize the right system. For example, a popular option, the Danish system, involves an anteroom that separates the clean interior of the production area from the outside. This requires quite a bit of room if you want it to work effectively.

Some poultry farms will elect to build facilities for storing and changing from clean to dirty footwear and for other purposes if the farm is not large enough for the Danish system. Still, this requires the right cleaning equipment and clear signage to ensure everyone follows the rules.

Choosing Floors That Can Be Washed

The floors used inside a chicken house must be washable. If they are not, then consider replacing them or refinishing them so that they are washable. You will need to remove grime from the floor on a regular basis, using mops, brooms, and pressure washing. This helps prevent bacteria and viruses from having a place to grow and thrive. Linoleum is a good flooring option. If you have concrete, resurface it with garage point or a sealant to make it easier to wash.

Having the Right Sized Protective Equipment

If you have protective equipment that is too big then it will not work as well as it should. Likewise, if it is too small, it will not work as well as it should. We suggest that if you have visitors, you have a variety of PPE sizes to ensure everyone has access to what they need. Your staff should only wear PPE that fits well. This is essential to proper cleaning.

Ensuring Air Flow is Correct

Fans in your poultry farm should push air from the poultry house outside, or at least away from clean areas. You do not want dirt and dust flowing from a dirty area to a clean area as it is just another way to contaminate said clean area.

We Can Help You Get the Right Equipment

Of course, one of the most important aspects of poultry farm cleaning is ensuring that you have the right equipment. At Hydro Tek we can help you do that. Just give us a call or stop by one of our convenient locations to find out more about the pressure washer, equipment, and accessories that will work best for your poultry farm.

Get Tips for Pressure Washing Different Types of Wooden Fences

Get Tips for Pressure Washing Different Types of Wooden Fences

There are many different projects you can complete with a high-quality pressure washer, including washing your wooden fences. Keep reading to get tips on how to do so with different types of wood. If you need help finding the best pressure washing equipment, contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 right away.

The First Step is Determining What Type of Wood You Are Working With

First and foremost, it is essential to determine what type of wood you are working with. If it is a wood that’s been pressure treated, such as pine and many other surfaces, then you will treat it one way. However, if it is not pressure treated, such as cedar, then you will have a different process. Today we will cover two of the most common types of wood and how to deal with them: Cedar and pressure-treated pine.

How to Pressure Wash a Cedar Wood Fence

Cedar wood fences are much easier to damage compared to a pressure-treated pine fence. As a result, you will need the best pressure washing equipment and the know-how to use it correctly. Generally, you will use a low pressure by either adjust the dial or throttling the engine speed on your pressure washer, depending on the model you have.

Begin with about 1500 pounds of pressure at three gallons per minute. Use a 45-degree angle tip. Push the trigger gun of your washer before you get close to the wood and then slowly close-in on the fence’s surface. Sweep up and down with the tip horizontal or perpendicular to the grain.

As is true of all pressure washing projects, we recommend starting at an out-of-the-way area so that you can test the wood. If it works correctly without scarring the wood then you know you have a good pressure washing technique down.

How to Pressure Washing a Pressure-Treated Pine Wood Fence

In most cases, the boards, rails, and posts on a pressure-treated pine wood fence are going to be hard and durable enough that you can use less caution when pressure washing. That said, you will still need to use the right technique, pressure, and volume – along with the right pressure washing tip.

We once again recommend starting with 1500 pounds of pressure at three gallons per minute, but this time with a 30-degree angle tip. Use the same process of sweeping up and down and trying out a small section of the wood before starting off on the rest of the fence.

If you need help selecting the right pressure washer or pressure washing accessories, or you have questions about the right type of technique, contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 now and let us help you.

Are You Thinking of Painting Your Own Home? Consider All the Steps Involved

Are You Thinking of Painting Your Own Home? Consider All the Steps Involved

If you wish that you had a bright, beautiful exterior on your home, but you don’t want to pay thousands of dollars for someone else to fix it for you, then you may be considering painting it yourself. At Hydro Tek we are not experts in this process but we can tell you about the basic steps involved. Make sure that pressure cleaning your home is done before you start.

Preparation is the Most Important Step in the Pressure Washing Process

There is nothing more important than properly preparing your home for washing. This requires the right pressure washing equipment and accessories. Start by scarping any loose paint or using a wire brush to get the loose paint off. If you see chalking, which is just a normal part of paint getting older, it will need to be pressure washed off or sanded off. Just make sure that you are using the right pressure as pressure that’s too high can end up damaging the home.

If the old paint was a glossy finish, then you will need to sand it well enough that new paint can adhere to it. If you have oil paint, then you’ll need to sand it vigorously or repaint it with an oil paint – just be careful. Latex paint can just peel off in sheets if not properly prepped. If you’re nervous or not entirely sure about what to do, paint a small area and then check it in the morning.

You Must Re-Caulk

While you technically do not have to re-caulk the exterior of your home after painting it, we strongly recommend doing so. Go around and look for caulking that is shriveled and / or loosened. Do a nice job – it is more important than you may think. Too often homeowners skip this step and end up with bare wood that draws moisture out of the caulk – which can cause serious water damage in the future.

Protect the Landscaping

You do not want to get done with the hard work of painting your home, only to discover that there is a huge mess in your yard. From paint chips to trampled shrubs, to drips on the sidewalk, to painted trees, there are many ways you can accidently damage your landscaping. Of course, simply being careful is an essential part of protecting your landscaping, but you can also cover things with plastic and drop clothes, and tie back shrubs that are in the way.

If you end up with paint on cement or concrete, you can also use your pressure washer to get rid of it. If you have questions about which pressure washer to use, contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 now and we will look forward to helping you.

Trouble with Your Pressure Washer Pump? Follow These Troubleshooting Ideas

Trouble with Your Pressure Washer Pump? Follow These Troubleshooting Ideas

If you buy a quality pressure washer, you should expect it to work for many years to come. That said, if you have older unit that is not giving you the level of service it once did, then it may be time to make some repairs. Check out this guide for troubleshooting a pressure washer pump, then contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 if you decide it’s time to upgrade to a higher quality pressure washer.

Causes for Low Pressure in a Pressure Washer Pump

If the issue is that you are not getting enough pressure, then it may be that you need to replace your nozzle. Is it the right size? Or is it worn out? Either way, replacement is relatively simple once you have the right part. If you the parts are not fitted well, then the first thing you will likely notice is dropping pressure.

Causes for Rough Pressure in a Pressure Washer Pump

When the pressure begins running rough, it is often a sign that the inlet water is too cold or too hot. Remember that even water from your faucet can be heated by the sun. To make sure this doesn’t happen, ensure that there is enough air around the water so that the right amount of pressure can be made. You can also check the discharge valves and replace them if need be. If that doesn’t fix it, then you may have serious mechanical damage.

Causes for Leaking in Your Pressure Washer

It is not uncommon for a leak to occur and generally they do not require complicated procedures to be repaired. In most cases, the leak occurs when the seal is broken or worn out. All you need it do is replace or repair the seal. It’s also not uncommon to have an oil leak. To prevent either of these issues, make sure you are replacing your seals at least two times per year.

Causes for Pulsating Pressure Washers

This case may seem that it’s complicated or due to a problem with the mechanics of the machine, but in most cases a pressure washer pulsates because it has accumulated dirt and dust. All this takes to repair is a good cleaning. If that doesn’t fix the issue, then it may be that the plunger is having issues. Check that before you decide on more costly fixes.

What to Do When You’re Ready for a New Power Washer

If your power washer is having issues that aren’t as simple as the ones listed above, then it may be more financially reasonable to replace your unit rather than fix it. In that case, you will be glad for the help of Hydro Tek. We specialize in this industry and are standing by to help you find the right selection of your needs. Contact us now at 800-274-9376 to get started.

Do You Need a Residential or Commercial Grade Power Washer? Learn the Main 3 Differences

Do You Need a Residential or Commercial Grade Power Washer? Learn the Main 3 Differences

If you’re in the market for a pressure washer then you likely have a few questions about which the best option will be. One question you may wonder is whether to get a commercial grade power washer or a residential one. You can always contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 to get our advice. In the meantime, you can read on to learn the three main differences between these two options.

  1. Their Power is Different
  2. An industrial power washer has the ability to give off much higher pressure than your average residential power washer. You can select a machine with a wide range of pressure levels – all the way up to 8000 psi. You can find machines that are powered by gas or electricity.

    Remember that the power your machine has will have a direct relationship to temperature. You can choose a commercial or industrial washer in cold water, hot water, or tri-modes. The tri-mode option means that you can use it for hot water, cold water, and steam water pressure. It’s true that cold water is more affordable because it requires less electricity, and it can get rid of most dirt, but getting rid of oils and degreasing requires hot water or steam.

  3. The Durability is Different
  4. It likely comes as no surprise that industrial power washers are more durable. After all, they are built to be used much more and for much longer than a typical residential pressure washer. You will find that industrial power washers are often hosed in steel casing – just be sure you choose an option in which the steel casing is resistant to both heat and corrosion. Choosing power-coated steel can ensure that it is not easily chipped too.

    Note that any power washer you get from Hydro Tek is going to be durable – and is going to be covered by a warranty – but industrial power washers are more expensive for a reason, and one of those reasons is that they are built to last longer.

  5. Commercial Units Offer More Durability
  6. When you choose a commercial unit, it can get hot in as little as 20 seconds, thanks to heating devices that use very little energy and get to maximum temps very quickly. You will have a wide range of hose lengths to choose from with either a commercial or a residential unit – anywhere from 25 feet to 300 feet based on what you need. If you are going to get a longer hose, then an industrial machine is likely to offer the best pressure for you.

These are just a few of the differences between these two options. We highly recommend that you contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 for expert advice if you would like more information on choosing between the two options.

Skip the Delay in Cleanup by Using an Industrial Water Vacuum

Skip the Delay in Cleanup by Using an Industrial Water Vacuum

When you invest in an industrial water vacuum from Hydro Tek, you will have total control of where you are waste water goes after you use your pressure washing equipment. This is more important at certain times than others. For example, if you are working with oil or cleaning up chemicals that have the potential to harm the environment, this equipment can easily vacuum up the waste water and pump it out. It can pumped to your landscape, sewer, bulk tank, or wherever you need it.

In fact, it can vacuum up the water and pump it at the same time – which means you can also say goodbye to delays in your process of cleaning up. There are numerous available options. The best way to learn about all of them and to choose the right one for you is to contact Hydro Tek at 800-274-9376 . You can also keep reading to discover facts about two of the options on the market.

Our Self-Contained, Gas-Powered Vacuum Recovery System

One of the newer options we have available is the RGV Gas Vac. This is an entirely self-contained unit that is powered by a gas engine and includes a pump out. You can use it with either one or two separate pickup devices. Generally speaking, we recommend this for contractors of facilities who need to collect all of their waste water, and we recommend it to restoration contractors who deal with waste water that needs to be picked up after fires or floods.

The separation tanks that come with this unit are unique in a number of ways, including the fact that they are made from polyethylene and they way a lot less than the typical 50-gallon steel drums you would see. You have easy access to the interior of them so that they can be cleaned and maintained, thanks to the quick lift-off lid. There’s also a 1.5 inch valve that makes it easy to get rid of sludge or solids that may settle at the bottom. You also don’t have to deal with heavy tipping, thanks to the automatic transfer system that pumps the water out.

Our Electric Powered Water Evacuation System with Pump Out

Another popular example is our electric powered water evacuation system with pump out. This RPV Hydro Vacuum is another water evacuation system that captures water and then transfers it out. This one can also transfer water out during the process of vacuuming which, once again, skips the inefficiency of needing to dump the tank.

This option is great for flood and fire restoration contractors for a number of reasons, including the fact that it can remove a huge volume of water. It’s also a great option for any situation in which water runoff at a job site needs to be removed, or if a pressure washer contractor needs to collect waste water.

Our Tow and Stow Wash Cart is the Perfect Machine for Concrete Cleaning

Our Tow and Stow Wash Cart is the Perfect Machine for Concrete Cleaning

If your business cleans concrete then the tow and stow wash cart is a must-have. There are many reasons we feel so confident recommending it, including the fact that, like all of the Hydro Tek equipment you can buy from us, it is made in the United States at our ISO:9001 certified factory right here in Redlands California. But that’s not the only reason. Keep reading to find out why we are so confident in recommending it, and then reach out at Hydro Tek to learn more or get a quote.

It’s Incredibly Compact Size

One thing our clients love about this particular machine is that it is so compact. In fact, it is less than 7 feet by 4 feet, which means it can be towed not just on sidewalks but just about anywhere. If you want to avoid the inconvenience of a trailer that has limited options regarding where it can be towed, then this may be a good option. It also has a fold-up tongue for even more compact storage.

That’s not all! This option also comes with stainless steel eels both for inlet and high pressure hoses. Not only does this mean that you get easy rollup and storage, but you never have to worry about rust or corrosion – this can significantly lengthen the lifespan of your machine.

You Have Total Control Over How and Where it is Used

You get total control over how you use this tow and stow wash cart. What do we mean by that? We are talking about a full 20 different combinations of hot or cold water pressure washers. This means you can get concrete clean, but it also means you can remove gum, can get rid of graffiti, can clean quads, and can use this just about anywhere – including food courts. You can choose between a 200 or 270 gallon water tank, which means you can clean even in an area with a limited water supply.

It is More Portable Than You Can Imagine

We know that half the reason you want a cart like this is because it is so portable. You will appreciate that this has a four-wheel design that includes a pivoting tongue. What does that mean for portability? It means that not only is it as portable as possible, but the low tongue weight makes it easy to tow whether you have a small pick or a utility vehicle.

Finally, let us talk about safety. Not only do we use the highest quality parts on this machine, but we take extra care to make it as safe as possible. As one example, consider the parking brake that engages when the tongue is locked into an upright position. This gives you secure parking and storage – not to mention maximum peace of mind.

  • Hot Water Pressure Washers

    Hydro Tek hot water pressure washers are designed to tackle the toughest messes wherever they may occur. Our products feature high-quality stainless steel construction, simple controls, and an innovative Spiralast™ heating coil that improves efficiency and reduces your fuel costs. We manufacture the Spiralast™ coils right here in our facility using a proprietary cold rolled process and robotic welds for exceptional strength and unimpeded flow. Our Spiralast™ lifetime warranty is the ONLY lifetime heating coil warranty in the industry.

  • Advantages of a Hot Water Pressure Washer

    Simply by heating up the water, a hot water pressure washer delivers dramatically improved cleaning power compared to a cold water machine. Hot water pressure washers are especially useful for cleaning sticky, greasy, or oily surfaces, because they will loosen the dirt much faster without the large amounts of soap, detergent, or other cleaning chemicals that must be used with a cold water system.

  • Hot Water Pressure Washer Applications

    A hot water pressure washer is essential for any cleanup job involving a sticky, greasy, or oily mess, as well as for applications where a surface must be sanitized. With a variety of models available, including self-contained mobile units with gas, diesel, or electric power, Hydro Tek hot water pressure washers can go anywhere and clean anything. Some common applications include heavy equipment cleaning, vehicle cleaning, graffiti removal, restaurant hood vent cleaning, and livestock facility cleaning.

Quality & Innovation Since 1985

Hydro Tek

From simple beginnings in 1985, Hydro Tek has grown to become the most trusted name in the pressure washer manufacturing industry.

How did we do it? By continually focusing on quality and reliability as the key to customer satisfaction, and by incorporating the latest technologies into our design and manufacturing processes.

By 1991, we were using computer-aided drafting systems to refine our product designs and improve efficiency. In 1997, we brought the power of computers to the shop floor by incorporating laser-cutting and other CNC manufacturing machinery, and in 2001 we began focusing on improving efficiency through the latest manufacturing techniques. The end result has been superior products delivered at a superior value to our customers. Through the next decade, we look forward to fulfilling our vision of making our products the "obvious choice" for all your industrial and commercial cleaning needs.